Tuen Ng Festival / Father’s Day

– Good tea

– Good health

Hong Kong Kidney Foundation
2021 charity Pu-erh tea sale to support kidney patients

Hong Kong Kidney Foundation was established in 1979 to support patient with kidney failure. Following on the successful tea sale in 2012, 2015 and 2017, Mr. SHEK Kang Chuen has once again donated Pu-erh green tea from 400+ years and 1000+ years old Pu-erh trees from Wuhan for the 2021 HKKF Charity tea sale.

This is to raise fund to support the Automated Peritoneal Dialysis program –  to purchase machine at $84,000 for free loaning to patient to use at home overnight. This mode of dialysis enhances the treatment and facilitates full rehabilitation.

-2016 pieces of  400 g Pu-erh tea from 400+ years old tree

《雲南原野香秘境四百年以上古韵 》packed in 2013

-130 pieces of 400 g Pu-erh Tea from 1000+ year old tree

《雲南臨博秘境千年古韵 》packed in 2012

Download Donation Form: Tea Charity Sales Order Form


原野香秘境  400+ years tea

Packed in 2013

Each @$800


原野香秘境  400+ years tea

Packed in 2013

Each cake of 7 pieces @$5,000


臨博秘境 1000+ years tea

Packed in 2012

Each @$8,000


臨博秘境 1000+ years tea

Packed in 2012

Each cake of 7 pieces @$50,000

原野香秘境雅韵 選自雲南深山秘境自然生態大葉種百年古喬木茶樹,採摘正春肥碩鮮葉,運用傳統工藝精製成普洱茶原料,經蒸壓成形。此茶開湯品賞:其湯色金黃油亮、晶瑩剔透,幽蘭香高揚持久,口感濃厚飽滿、甘甜鮮爽、齒頰留香、回甘生津、富有層次,飲之有身輕體暖之感!


Please support the 2021 Pu-erh charity tea sale
Help patient on dialysis to regain full rehabilitation and employment

Sharing by patients : A college student used an “Automatic Peritoneal Dialysis” machine to perform the dialysis overnight at home. During the four years of college, her classmates did not know she was a patient with end-stage renal failure on treatment. An office worker said that she used to have to perform the exchange of the dialysis fluid thrice daily. She never had the opportunity to go out for lunch with her colleagues because she had to do the fluid exchange during the lunchtime. With the machine performing the dialysis treatment overnight, she had much more freedom.

End stage kidney disease is a big burden for the patient with end stage kidney failure. They need dialysis treatment to sustain their life. It is time consuming and a financial burden.

Hong Kong Kidney Foundation (HKKF) has been supporting patients on dialysis treatment, providing dialysis options that are more convenient, with a better outcome and facilitating full rehabilitation, such as continuing full time work and study.  Performing the peritoneal dialysis at home overnight with an automatic machine allows the patient to be free from treatment during the daytime (which is the case with the Continuous Automated Peritoneal Dialysis requiring the patient to perform the dialysis treatment three to four times a day).

Most patient cannot afford a machine at $84,000. Over the years, HKKF has procured 780 machines for free-loaning to patient.  Currently, HKKF has 587 machines on free-loaning to patients. We have over 200 new applications for the machines each year. Hence a need to raise fund to procure more machines for the program.

Thank you for your support for our charity program.